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Teksti kėkues ėshtė gabim. Ju lutem pėrdorni vetėm shkronja dhe numra pėr tekstin kėrkues.

Kėrko nga 3445 biznese nė Perspekti

Teksti nuk ėshtė i saktė.
Ju lutem pėrdorni vetėm shkronja dhe numra pėr tekstin kėrkues.
3445 biznese u gjetėn.
UNICEF Albania
UNICEF Albania supports government reforms, civil society initiatives and research that help all children to enjoy their human rights. As Albania seeks integration with the European community, we want... mė shumė
Shėrbime Shtetėrore
Gymnastics Instruments.
Moda & Veshje
Amarousion, Greece
ARAN Cucine
Ogni giorno costruiamo cucine interpretando sogni e bisogni delle famiglie di tutto il mondo, nel pieno rispetto dell'ambiente. Talento, passione ed autenticita ci rendono ambasciatori del saper viver... mė shumė
Artikuj Shtėpish
Zona Industriale Frazione Casoli 64032, Atri, Italy
Mission: Transfer our customers to the magic world of Apple through a unique experience of communicating, serving and satisfying their personal and professional needs.
Filiki Etairia Square, 106 73, Athens, Greece
Oikos is a Greek owned company which retails and wholesales contemporary furniture, lighting and design items for homes, apartments, offices and public places such as restaurants, cafes, bars, clubs a... mė shumė
Artikuj Shtėpish
Athens, Greece
Grand Resort Lagonissi
There is a place where comfort, luxury and style are celebrated each and every day. There is a world full of sun, sea and pleasure. There is a hotel where hospitality is an art. Grand Resort Lagonissi... mė shumė
Hotele & Restorante
Athens, Greece
Shkolla 9-vjecare ISMAIL KLOSI
Shkolla si Qendėr Komunitare - Njė shkollė miqėsore pėr tė gjithė.
A creative agency specialized in content creation, across channels and formats.
Media & Publikime
Belgrade, Serbia
Dumrea Albania
Provoni bukuritė natyrore tė Zonės sė Dumresė
Dumre, Belsh, Shqiperi
Alba Stone sh.p.k.
Alba Stone sh.p.k. ka njė eksperiencė tė konsoliduar nė nxjerrjen, pėrpunimin dhe shitjen ndėrkombėtare te gurėve natyror shqiptar. ALBASTONE ofron gure ne forme pllakash te certifikuar CE dhe me ngjy... mė shumė
Materiale Ndėrtimi
MiTo by Caterina Firenze
MiTo by Caterina Firenze sh.p.k prodhon kėpucė, sandale dhe ēizme pėr femra pėr markat mė tė njohura ndėrkombėtare. Produktet tona shiten nė tė gjithė botėn nėn emrat e markave mė tė njohura. Marrėdhe... mė shumė
Ish Kombinati i Tekstileve, Berat
Hotel Palma
Hotel Palma ndodhet pranė Urės sė Kėmbėsorėve Berat. Hoteli ka restorant si dhe bar nė tarracėn e tij prej ku mund tė shikohen pamje tė veēanta tė qendrės historike tė Beratit. Cmimi pėr dhomė 15-25 e... mė shumė
Hotele & Restorante
Bulevardi Republika, Berat
Cobo Winery
From the beginning, we have insisted that our wine be made from 100% Albanian grapes. This gives us a very strong identity. The wine we produce must be connected to the land where the grapes are grown... mė shumė
Ushqim & Pije
Ura Vajgurore, Berat
Bar Restorant Ajka
Bar Restorant Ajka eshte nje nga vendet me te mira ne Berat per turistet qe vizitojne kete zone ku mund te gjejne ushqime tradicionale shume te shijshme te gatuara me shume dashuri.
Hotele & Restorante
Alfa 2 sh.p.k.
ALFA 2 SHPK is located in Berat, Albania. Company is working in Building materials business activities.
Materiale Ndėrtimi
Lagjia 30 Vjetorit, Berat
Firma Vellezerit Nano
Firma Vellezerit Nano operon ne tregun Shqipetar me nje eksperience te gjate 22 vjecare. Firma ushtron veprimtarine e saj ne fushen e prodhimit dhe montimit sistemeve te ngrohje-ftohjes dhe aspirimit.... mė shumė
Ish Ushqimorja, Berat
Nobel Al 2000
Kompania HFN eshte e specializuar per tregetim dhe montim te sisteme ngrohje- ftohje, kryesisht panele diellore duke ju garantuar nje cilesi te padiskutueshme mallrash e sherbimesh Tek ne mund te gj... mė shumė
Ura e Hanit, Berat
Kantina Nurellari
Nurellari Winery Cellar has been founded on the year of 1995 by the current President Mr. Fatos Nurellari. Since then, Nurellari Winery Cellar has increased its reputation nationally and international... mė shumė
Ushqim & Pije
Bomira sh.p.k.
BOMIRA SH.P.K. ėshtė njė shoqėri e krijuar nė vitin 1994. Nė aktivitetin bazė tė saj ka importin e vajit luledielli nga Bullgaria. Bomira ka filiale nė qytetet kryesore tė Shqipėrisė si: Tiranė, Shkod... mė shumė
Importe & Eksporte, Prodhime
Ura Vajgurore, Berat
Shtėpia juaj larg shtėpisė Plot hijeshi Castle Park gjendet i vetėm majė njė kodre, mes njė pylli plot sekrete dhe natyre tė virgjėr me vėshtrim nga gjigandi mali i shenjtė i Tomorrit dhe nga Berati ... mė shumė
Hotele & Restorante
Gorice, Berat