Perspekti - Cobo Winery Ushqim & Pije Berat
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Cobo Winery

Industritë që Cobo Winery përfshin

Ushqim & Pije

Detajet e kontaktit


Ura Vajgurore, Berat
969 shikime


From the beginning, we have insisted that our wine be made from 100% Albanian grapes. This gives us a very strong identity. The wine we produce must be connected to the land where the grapes are grown. We knew that if we wanted to set the standard for high quality Albanian wine, we had to represent ourselves with authentic grapes.

We believe that wine is a form of culture. It is a philosophy of life. The making of wine is particular and time-consuming. As such, it demands the right touch, the right minds, and hands to make it a special, high quality product. Our winery is more than a business it's a passion. It is our pleasure to grow the grapes, harvest them, and produce wine. We want to show others and ourselves that our wine is different a unique, high quality wine.

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