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Industritë që Oikos përfshin
Artikuj Shtėpish
26 Irodotou Str., Kolonaki, Athens, Greece
756 shikime
Oikos is a Greek owned company which retails and wholesales contemporary furniture, lighting and design items for homes, apartments, offices and public places such as restaurants, cafes, bars, clubs and hotels.
Since 1980 located in Kolonaki the heart of Athens, oikos, with its two showrooms, has remained as the most progressive and sophisticated furniture and object store.
The enormous clientele visiting and shopping at oikos follows its taste and trusts its selections as the most cutting edge design in Greece.
oikos has four different activities:
oikos@ home sells and distributes design and furniture objects for home.
oikos@ work sells and distributes furniture and objects for offices, banks etc.
oikos@ contracts sells and distributes furniture and objects for contract business.
oikos@ design organizes major events which aim at introducing internationally known designers to the Greek audience. Examples of such events are:
A presentation of Ron Arad and his furniture in 1995, a presentations of Mark Newson, Tom Dixon, Michael Young etc exhibition of Brit. Design in 1998 and a presentation of Spanish Design in 2000, as well as parties every year organized to present the new season's trend. In December 2009, we presented the artist-designer Regis-R in Athens.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Biba Impex sh.p.k.
Biba Impex shpk eshte nje biznes familjar, qe ushtron aktivitetin tregtar qe ne vitin 1998 kry...
Amantia sh.p.k.
Kompania Amantia Shpk ushtron veprimtarine e saj prej 15 vitesh ne tregun Shqiptar me veprimtar...
Mobileri Star sh.p.k.
Mobileri Star sh.p.k. eshte nje kompani e njohur ne prodhimin dhe te tregtimit te mobiljeve ne ...
Sigma AL sh.p.k.
Sigma AL shpk e themeluar nė vitin 2006 ofron nė treg parkete tė llojeve tė ndryshme dhe korniz...
Mobileri Tirana
Mobileri Tirana u themelua ne vitin 1993 dhe eshte nje nga kompanite me te medha ne tregtimin e...
Tessuti Tirana
Tessuti Tirana vjen tek ju pėr t'ju bėrė tė ndiheni sa mė unik dhe tė veēantė nė stilin e dekor...
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Fjalėkalimi nuk ėshtė i saktė. Shkruani fjalėkalimin siē shihet nė fotografi dhe provojeni pėrsėri.
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Sharje dhe gjuhė agresive nuk lejohen nė Perspekti.