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Hotel Palma
Industritë që Hotel Palma përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Detajet e kontaktit
Bulevardi Republika, Berat
1186 shikime
Hotel Palma ndodhet pranė Urės sė Kėmbėsorėve Berat. Hoteli ka restorant si dhe bar nė tarracėn e tij prej ku mund tė shikohen pamje tė veēanta tė qendrės historike tė Beratit. Cmimi pėr dhomė 15-25 euro.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Restorant Bosnja
Tradita Boshnjake...
Camping & Pishina Riviera
Camping Cabins are a great way to enjoy the wonderful Albanian outdoors in a comfortable pre-e...
Kompleksi Fafa
Perfect accommodation in the perfect place
FAFA Resort is located in the area of Mali I Robi...
Grand Resort Lagonissi
There is a place where comfort, luxury and style are celebrated each and every day. There is a ...
Kompleksi Halilaj
Ne kompleksin Halilaj do te gjeni gjithcka!!!
Oferte cmimi per cift eshte 5000 leke ;)
Brilant Antik Hotel
Central, quiet, family-run and welcoming, the Brilant Antik has grand rooms decorated with plen...
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Sharje dhe gjuhė agresive nuk lejohen nė Perspekti.