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Kantina Nurellari
Industritë që Kantina Nurellari përfshin
Ushqim & Pije
1095 shikime
Nurellari Winery Cellar has been founded on the year of 1995 by the current President Mr. Fatos Nurellari. Since then, Nurellari Winery Cellar has increased its reputation nationally and internationally. Our obligation is not to compromise the quality of our productions while keeping the price reasonable.
Nurellari Winery Cellar is located nearby Berat town, 10 km far way. We believe that success is in our hands. At Nurellari Winery Cellar we consider our customers suggestions and ideas with top priority for our future development.
Our wine has been ranked as one of the best wine production in Albania, very competitive in market both in quality and price. We produce wine just from 100% grape, no any artificial flavour or additives. We are nationally widespread and trying to be where our customers are.
Nurellari Winery Cellar is fully licensed and has been represented in both international and local conferences. In coming years we are considering ambitious projects that are affordable both in monetary terms and human resources.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Bar Pasticeri Goni
Bar Pasticeri Goni.
Kantina Nurellari
Nurellari Winery Cellar has been founded on the year of 1995 by the current President Mr. Fatos...
Shoqeria Belavis-Kolonat
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Sirius Wine
Kompania Sirius Wine ka nėnshkruar kontrata afatgjata pėr importimin dhe distribuimin ekskluziv...
T.E.A sh.p.k. (KAON)
T.E.A sh.p.k merret me tregtimin dhe prodhimin e birres se markes KAON.
Furi Elektrikut 1941
Furi Elektrikut 1941 eshte nje furre buke ne qender te Tiranes.
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Fjalėkalimi nuk ėshtė i saktė. Shkruani fjalėkalimin siē shihet nė fotografi dhe provojeni pėrsėri.
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Sharje dhe gjuhė agresive nuk lejohen nė Perspekti.