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Diplomat Fashion
Industritë që Diplomat Fashion përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Irfan Tomini, Tirane
911 shikime
Tirana's first proper boutique hotel has been open for over a decade now and continues to be a popular choice with those who can afford their magnificent executive and deluxe rooms as well as the less fortunate souls who have to stay in the more standard accommodation options. The facilities boast everything one would expect from a hotel in this category, plus there's a very good buffet breakfast on offer and an in-house spa featuring sauna, Jacuzzi and massage.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Vila Padam
Padam Boutique Hotel and Restaurant, located in a beautiful classic villa in the heart of Tiran...
Hotel Kristi
Bar Restorant Hotel.
Guva e Qetė
Small, basic rooms along a central, pedestrianised street. There are en suite bathrooms and tel...
White House
Hotel White House.
Hotel Palma
Hotel Palma ndodhet pranė Urės sė Kėmbėsorėve Berat. Hoteli ka restorant si dhe bar nė tarracėn...
Hotel Millennium
The former Belvedere is now trading as Hotel Millennium, a small hotel on a lovely traffic-free...
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