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Diplomat Fashion
Industritë që Diplomat Fashion përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Irfan Tomini, Tirane
909 shikime
Tirana's first proper boutique hotel has been open for over a decade now and continues to be a popular choice with those who can afford their magnificent executive and deluxe rooms as well as the less fortunate souls who have to stay in the more standard accommodation options. The facilities boast everything one would expect from a hotel in this category, plus there's a very good buffet breakfast on offer and an in-house spa featuring sauna, Jacuzzi and massage.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Altea Restaurant
Altea Beach Lodges is built in one of the most beautiful spots in Albania. Right on the beach D...
Grand Hotel Pameba
Grand Hotel Pameba 4*, ėshtė ndėrtuar nė vitin 1996, nė lokacionin mė tė bukur pranė Plazhit tė...
Hotel ARTA
Hotel ARTA - Tetove (pronar Izair Samiu BACI & Gjyler Samiu).
Hoteli gjendet ne vije te pare t...
Boston Lobster
Peshk i eger nga ujrat e ftohta te oqeanit Atlantik, me nje eksport prej 25000 ton ne vit nga B...
Gurra Perrise
Gurra Perrise
Ylli i Detit Hotel
Located right next to the private beach with free-to-use sun loungers and parasols, Ylli i Deti...
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