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Vila Padam
Industritë që Vila Padam përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Papa Gjon Pali II, Tirane
881 shikime
Padam Boutique Hotel and Restaurant, located in a beautiful classic villa in the heart of Tirana, is a unique landmark and point of reference for the Albanian capital. The Padam concept was founded on a vision to create a one-of-a-kind urban escape, tailoring exclusively to the guest and focusing on providing a luxurious and unique experience. Whether it be the warm and inviting high-ceiling chambers of the villa or the colourful oasis of the surrounding garden and verandas, there is an ideal Padam experience for every season, all year round.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
White Dream Hotel
White Dream complex is allocated in an important part of Tirana, 1 km far from the city center ...
Bar Restorant Bliri
I pozicionuar nė Bllokun e Ambasadave , tek Rruga e Kavajės , Bar Restorant Bliri ėshtė njė amb...
ABA Twentyfirst
Including a name that describes how far it is from the street below, there's a rumour going aro...
Hotel Restaurant Gjakova 3
Hotel Restaurant Gjakova 3-Shengjin
Shija e Traditės
Me hapjen e cateringut "Shija Tradites" ju garantojme cilesin e ushqimeve dhe ēmimeve. Prova es...
Ermiri Palace
Mirėsevini nė kompleksin mė tė bukur tė Shėngjinit! Aty ku klienti ndihet mbret dhe ku argėtimi...
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