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Guva e Qetė
Industritë që Guva e Qetė përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Detajet e kontaktit
Murat Toptani, Tirane
956 shikime
Small, basic rooms along a central, pedestrianised street. There are en suite bathrooms and televisions, but breakfast isn't included.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
ROGNER Hotel Tirana
Rogner Hotel is located in the city center of Tirana. As part of the Main Boulevard the Prime M...
Julton Events
JULTON Hotel Bar Restorant Organizes Events
Brilant Antik Hotel
Central, quiet, family-run and welcoming, the Brilant Antik has grand rooms decorated with plen...
Hotel Relax
We're the perfect home base for excursions to the many attractions, colleges and businesses tha...
Ermiri Palace
Mirėsevini nė kompleksin mė tė bukur tė Shėngjinit! Aty ku klienti ndihet mbret dhe ku argėtimi...
Hotel Pogradeci
Bar - Restaurant - Hotel Pogradeci
Located along the city avenue, Is 650 meters far from the...
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