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Hotel Millennium
Industritë që Hotel Millennium përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Murat Toptani, Tirane
789 shikime
The former Belvedere is now trading as Hotel Millennium, a small hotel on a lovely traffic-free street in the city centre features really nice rooms, some with gorgeous balconies, complete with all the trimmings plus a free wireless internet system they claim never slows to a crawl. The Italian breakfast is included in the price of the room and is served on the outdoor terrace during the summer.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Hilton Bandung
Set in Bandung, which is approximately 2 hours drive from Jakarta and features a comfortably co...
Grand Hotel
The centrally placed Grand is still one of the city's best, and its small size adds to its char...
Sheraton Tirana Hotel
Provoni njė nivel tė lartė komoditeti nė mes tė njė oazi tė gjelbėr pranė Parkut Kombėtar dhe L...
Hotel VOCI
Hoteli ofron njė sherbim tė shkėlqyer dhe dhoma mjaft tė rehatshme e tė mobiluara me shije e el...
Vila Analipsi
Suita, studio,garsoniere te gjitha me kuzhina te kompletuara.
Hotel Airport Tirana
The best-named of several options by the airport, this hotel is near the terminal yet quite a s...
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