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Hotel Airport Tirana
Industritë që Hotel Airport Tirana përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Rinas, Tirane
799 shikime
The best-named of several options by the airport, this hotel is near the terminal yet quite a slog around the perimeter fence, so it's extremely advisable to give them a call for a free pickup. The fire- and sound-proof rooms have bright colours, and the bathrooms are ready for take-off with their space-age shower cabins. A garden restaurant with pool at the rear is also available for those simply waiting for flights.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Mirror Dream Apartment
The name here is a bit misleading as the simple studio flats they provide come with no kitchen ...
Capital Tirana Hotel
Located in one of the least explored yet most interesting parts of town, the generic internatio...
Hotel Albi
Hotel Albi.
Best Western Premier Ark Hotel
BEST WESTERN PREMIER Ark Hotel is the idyllic choice for those who travel for business or leisu...
Alba Katering
Specialized in Western, Italian cuisine and Albanian traditional Cuisine.
Our goal is to pleas...
Pepper Pizza & Cocktail
Con Pepper sbarca a Tirana il piatto piu tipico dell'eccellenza gastronomica italiana: la pizza...
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