Perspekti - Alba Tech System Programe kompjuterike Tirane
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Alba Tech System

Industritë që Alba Tech System përfshin

Programe Kompjuterike

Detajet e kontaktit


Haxhi Dalliu, Tirane
1622 shikime


Alba Tech System is a Company operating in the electronics field.
At the begging it started it's journey as a small company which imported used and refurbished computers and laptops from United Kingdom. As the business started growing, so did the range of the products expand.
The biggest priority of this company is that every product has to be a 'Brand', so the clients are always safe in their choices.
Soon, Alba Tech System, started importing not only from United Kingdom, but also from Germany and France used and new computers, laptops and monitors, different electronic devices, printers and photocopies.
In 2014 the work started to create a new financial program named FX. The FX program started doing well and the companies were very satisfied with the product. Everyone using it could easily make the difference between FX and other programs in Albania and the feedback was very positive.It started to be used by big and small companies, markets, bars, production plants, etc.
Once the financial module was finished, the company developed a new program for the 'bailiff companies' which literally is the pride of this company because we are the only ones offering a program like this that reduces a 2 day process in a 2 min one.Another pride of this company is the module for universities, which is again a very unique program which gives you instant report for every single student and everything that is going on in a university. The FX program is translated in many different languages such as English, Turkish, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Macedonian, Serbian, French, Croatian, Arabian, etc.
Our staff is really friendly and always creates good relationship with our customers and apart from providing them the products they need, they also advice them according to their needs. We have a lot of loyal clients now, and every one of them, irrelevant to how small or big their purchase is, is very important to us and makes us proud to serve them and every one else in the future.

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