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Industritë që Validata përfshin
Programe Kompjuterike
Islam Alla, Tirane
1739 shikime
Validata Group is the leader in Enterprise Software Testing and Release Automation, helping its clients accelerate application delivery, optimize business risks and reduce costs.
Validata provides the first unified Test Automation and DevOps platform, built from the ground up with Agile and Cloud in mind, to bring together requirements, testing, defects, planning, resources, development and deployment, capable of integrating with external systems such as HP QC, CA Clarity, IBM RTM, Atlassian Jira etc, delivering a single version of the truth and enabling continuous delivery, integration, testing and monitoring.
Validata's platform drives quality and velocity for Devops-oriented or traditional development teams showing 10x overall productivity improvements over siloed QA tools. Its model-based approach enables the automatic generation of test cases and eliminates the high maintenance costs of traditional script-based test automation.
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