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Datalytics sh.p.k
Industritë që Datalytics sh.p.k përfshin
Programe Kompjuterike
1422 shikime
Datalytics sh.p.k is one of the branch of ORS Group.
ORS (Operational Research Systems) is an international software company specialized in developing cross-industry solutions for optimizing and automating business processes along the whole value chain thanks to cutting-edge scientific modeling and algorithms.
We are a team of IT-developers, mathematicians, statisticians, economists, econometricians, physicists and specialists in several fields of applied science. We have a deep understanding of the reality and complexity of modern business and are skilled at creating software solutions - all based on our innovative R.A.M.S. 4.0 platform - aimed at helping executives extracting significant efficiency and cash flow from sales and operations.
Our corporate and clients are served by offices across the Germany, Italy, and Albania.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
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