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Kėrko nga 3445 biznese nė Perspekti

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3445 biznese u gjetėn.
Brava & Bojra Cimi
Brava & Bojra Ēimi me njė eksperiencė 20-vjeēare, tė besueshėm dhe gjithmonė tė gjendur, me njė gamė tė gjerė produktesh si: brava, doreza dhe aksesorė pėr dyer tė brendshme dhe tė blinduara, aksesorė... mė shumė
Materiale Ndėrtimi
Bravo Tours
Agjencia jone ofron sherbime te ndryshme profesionale ne fushen e turizmit kryesisht ne pjesen e udhetimit dhe pushimev gjate gjithe perjudhes se vitit. SHERBIMET TONA Paketa Turistike, pushime ... mė shumė
Agjensi Turistike
Bredhi Jes
Bredhi Jes vjen nė tregun Shqiptar me njė eksperiencė qe prej vitit 2003, me punime druri dhe lende tė parė drusore. Kompania ofron njė pikė shitje me shumicė dhe pakicė, ndėrton shtėpi prej druri, pa... mė shumė
Materiale Ndėrtimi
Kamez, Tirane
Bregu sh.a.
BREGU sh.a. u themelua nė vitin 1994 si njė shoqėri me pėrgjegjėsi tė kufizuar nga Drejtorja Administrative dhe ortakja e vetme, Znj. Tatiana BREGU. Kompania mė pas u formėsua nė njė Shoqėri Anonime... mė shumė
Kompani Ndėrtimi
Brick Records
Adrian Gaxha (born February 13nd, 1984), is an accomplished singer, composer, and producer from Skopje His singing career started way back in 2002, but since then, he has grown as one of the best kno... mė shumė
Media & Publikime
Briker Hotel
A modern hotel not far from the city centre, featuring wooden floors, colourful furniture and large blue-glass windows in the rooms. The room price is the same regardless of the number of occupants.
Hotele & Restorante
Brilant Antik Hotel
Central, quiet, family-run and welcoming, the Brilant Antik has grand rooms decorated with plenty of hand-carved wood. There's a traditionally furnished Albanian/Italian restaurant in the basement.
Hotele & Restorante
Bristol Hotel
Offering the most exclusive accommodation in Tirana is how the lovely people who run the Bristol like to sell their hotel, a claim that would be slightly closer to the truth if they were to say it off... mė shumė
Hotele & Restorante
Britania Hotel
Britania Hotel eshte nje hotel luksoz me kater yje qe karakterizon luksin, prestigjin dhe mikpritjen ne nje atmosfere paqesore. Hoteli eshte i pozicionuar ne menyre ideale vetem 8 kilometra nga qe... mė shumė
Hotele & Restorante
Fushe Kruje
British American Tobacco Albania sh.p.k
We're a leading company that's successful worldwide. Our brands are enjoyed by millions of consumers. In a controversial industry we act responsibly and with integrity. Acting responsibly: We take... mė shumė
Importe & Eksporte
British Boutique
Opened in 2014 and styled by two sisters who lived in the UK and are inspired by the British Fashion world. Bringing their choices of Top Brands to Tirana, Albania. British Style is a Boutique in T... mė shumė
Moda & Veshje
Kompleksi Vizion Plus, Tirane
Broadway Hotel
Broadway has a Vegas thing going on, an effect brought together by what appears to be the place having been decorated from the bankrupt stock of a Hollywood film studio. An epic journey into the mind ... mė shumė
Hotele & Restorante
Brothers Travel & Tours
Udhetime brenda dhe jashte vendit. Paketa turistike, bileta avioni-trageti, autobuzi, siguracione, makina me qira.
Agjensi Turistike
Qė prej vitit 1994, Brunes, ofron ēdo mundėsi pėr konceptimin e hapsirės tuaj, duke vėnė nė dispozicion njė gamė tė gjerė produktesh dhe duke qenė sa mė afėr jush me ekspozitat tona nė Tiranė, Durrės,... mė shumė
Artikuj Shtėpish, Prodhime
Bruno & Eni Travel
Bruno&Eni Travel lindi ne qeshor te 2012.Fillimisht u fokusuam ne transportin mbare Europes.Me pas deshira per ofrimin e nje sherbmi sa me te plote na nxiti per ta zgjeruar me tej aktivietin tone. ... mė shumė
Agjensi Turistike
Bulevardi Bajram Curri, Tirane
BTI Bioenergie e Tecnologie
BTI Bioenergie e Tecnologie ushton aktivitetin e saj ne tregun Shqipetar me nje eksperience te gjate ne zhvillimin e sistemeve tė integruara dhe zgjidhjeve pėr prodhimin e energjisė elektrike dhe ngro... mė shumė
Materiale Ndėrtimi
Bticino operon nė tregun prej disa vitesh ne fushen e materialeve elektrike. Kompania bashkepunon me markat me prestigjoze nderkombatare si Legrand, Bticino, Zucchini dhe Cablofil. Bticino eshte pjesė... mė shumė
Materiale Ndėrtimi
Pallati Rogert, Tirane
Bufalo Shoes Albania
Buffalo-shoes operon ne tregun shqiptar prej me shume se 15 vitesh. Eksperienca jone disa vjecare i garanton klientit sigurine dhe nje sherbim cilesor. Prioriteti yne jane klientet dhe bejme me ... mė shumė
Moda & Veshje
Building Construction & Albania Steel Construction
Kompania Building Construction & Albania steel Construction ( BC shpk & ASC shpk) operon prej 3 vjetesh ne tregun shqiptar me konstruksione metalike . Ajo eshte e kompletuar me atrecaturen me te fundi... mė shumė
Kompani Ndėrtimi
Bujtina Shqiptare
Sometimes referring to itself as a hostel and at other times a hotel, this basic albeit perfectly friendly and respectable establishment offers and handful of simple rooms on a quiet street just north... mė shumė
Hotele & Restorante