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Brick Records
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701 shikime
Adrian Gaxha (born February 13nd, 1984), is an accomplished singer, composer, and producer from Skopje
His singing career started way back in 2002, but since then, he has grown as one of the best known and respected Albanian singers. As a testament to his recognition stand the many hit singles left behind him, and millions of YouTube views generated from the same. Adrian is also the first Albanian singer, to represent Macedonia at the Eurosong contest, a fit that has not been repeated since.
Additionally Adrian is an award winning composer and producer. In 2010, and 2011, on "Nota Fest", and "Zico Festival", his songs were awarded 1st place, and he did not stop there. In 2012 he composed "Ngjyra e Kuqe", one of the greatest Albanian hits that first appeared on the "Magicna Pesna" festival. The same song also launched the career of the young Florian, who entered in the hearts of many fans.
Not long after, he began collaborating with one of the most talented producers from Macedonia, Iwayo. Together they released: Kjo Zemer, Welcome to Pristina, "Oj Ti Qik", "E di qe don". In 2015 the two of them were joined by the exceptional Lindon Berisha, and together they released the unforgettable hit singles: "Kalle", "Syn", and "Asnihere".
Ivan Jovanov (born June 19, 1985) from Skopje, better known as Iwayo. Is an award winning DJ, composer, and producer of EDM, Hip Hop, R&B, Dancehall, and Reggaeton music.
He made a name for himself by participating in many nationally, and internationally respected music festivals such as Makfest, Skopski Festival, Eurosong etc.
His production and compositions, can be found among well known balkan entertainers such as: Slatkaristika, Adrian Gaxha, Floriani, Jovan Jovanov, Tyzee, Toni Zen, Emina Jahovic, Sladza Delibasic, Lambe Alabakoski, Lindon, Elvir Mekic, Viktoria Loba, Simona Poposka, and many others.
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