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CLASS By Alketa Vejsiu
Industritë që CLASS By Alketa Vejsiu përfshin
Dasma & Evente, Media & Publikime
Kompleksi Dinamo, Pallati Orion, Tirane
1399 shikime
Created by the desire of the need to deliver what the market currently lacks, comes Class by Alketa Vejsiu, a specialized structure in the organization of events and marriages that marks important moments in the lives of its main actors. With an attentive eye for detail and cure more than willing to bring innovations in personalized decoration, Class by AV, aims to be the leader in organizing the events sector.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Art Events Albania
1. Dekor Dasma
2. Dekor Ditelindje
3. Dekor Baby Shower
4. Dekor Fejesa
5. Dekor Festash, V...
Evis Events
Organizojme dhe dekorojme cdo event ne menyre unike e me shume elegance, me detaje harmonizuar ...
The Makers
The Makers is a new venture but with long experience in realizations of scenography or set desi...
Shtepia e Luleve
Shtepia e luleve ofron kompozime te larmishme lulesh natyrale,buqeta te shumellojshme per ti be...
We design your dreams for a day to remember.
Studio Sharka
Studio Sharka.
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Sharje dhe gjuhė agresive nuk lejohen nė Perspekti.