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Broadway Hotel
Industritë që Broadway Hotel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Emin Duraku, Tirane
945 shikime
Broadway has a Vegas thing going on, an effect brought together by what appears to be the place having been decorated from the bankrupt stock of a Hollywood film studio. An epic journey into the mind of an interior decorator with a minimal budget but no limits on his or her imagination, the rooms generally provide a lot of fun whilst managing to offer everything guests need at these prices. The in-house bar and restaurant are also well worth a visit.
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Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Kroni Mbretit
MOTEL & VILA, Restaurant "Kroni Mbretit" ofron:
dhoma per pushim ditor
dhoma fjetje
dhoma p...
Paradise Plaza Resort
Resorti Paradise ofron keto sherbime:
Salle Sheraton 500 vende per dasma, evente
Restorant 20...
Perfect Holiday Home
Find villa holidays, apartments, cottages and other holiday homes in Albania.
Savana Hotel
A good budget option just south of the action and close to the US Embassy, don't expect award-w...
Oriental City Chinese Restaurant
Best Authentic Chinese Food in Albania!
Blerimi Palace
Restorant Dasmash & Salle Konferencash
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