Perspekti - British American Tobacco Albania sh.p.k Importe/Eksporte Tregti Tirane
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British American Tobacco Albania sh.p.k

Industritë që British American Tobacco Albania sh.p.k përfshin

Importe & Eksporte

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1318 shikime


We're a leading company that's successful worldwide. Our brands are enjoyed by millions of consumers. In a controversial industry we act responsibly and with integrity.

Acting responsibly:
We take pride in the responsible way that our businesses are run. And the recognition and awards we've received over the decades show it's not just us who think we're doing the right thing.
We were the first tobacco company to be included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index in 2002 and we've been included every year since.
We know that in order to continue our success and grow our business we need to operate sustainably. And that will depend on us satisfying not only our shareholders, but also our many other stakeholders.

A history of success:
We have a rich heritage and, we believe, a bright future. We continue to deliver value to our shareholders today while investing in our markets, our brands and our new product categories to ensure a sustainable future for our business. Our people both past and present are part of our history, part of who we are today and are an essential part of our future.

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