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Verzaci Hotel
Industritë që Verzaci Hotel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Rinas, Tirane
749 shikime
It's good that Gianni is no longer among us, as he'd faint at the sight of this garish pink building with a big green V on the facade. Inside, the rooms are plain and basic. Verzaci is a five-minute walk along the main road north from the airport. Limited English spoken.
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Kleo Cafe & Bar
Kleo eshte bari ku ju gjeni qetesine pas nje dite te lodhshme apo per nje takim te kendshem mes...
Mondial Hotel
The slightly imposing Mondial goes for the Neoclassical look and for once manages to pull the w...
Ceni's Restaurant
Selling itself as a Mediterranean restaurant, Ceni's serves wonderfully fresh and original Ital...
Xenia Balkan
Xenia, from the Greek summarises the concept of hospitality offers hotel accommodation services...
Kompleksi San Pol
INFRASTRUKTURA: Pishine,Restorant,Piceri,Bar.
DY salla eventesh;luksoze & moderne,me kapacitet...
Altea Beach Lodges
ALTEA LODGES -An enticing blend of refreshing comfort and classic charm awaits you!
After the ...
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