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Mondial Hotel
Industritë që Mondial Hotel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Muhamed Gjollesha, Tirane
860 shikime
The slightly imposing Mondial goes for the Neoclassical look and for once manages to pull the whole affair off nicely. Offering a range of standard and deluxe rooms, all of which feature a beguiling muddle of facilities, extras include a good restaurant and a couple of bars that stay open late. Not too far west of the centre, the hotel also provides a number of meeting and conference rooms.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Ylli i Detit Hotel
Located right next to the private beach with free-to-use sun loungers and parasols, Ylli i Deti...
Comfort Hotel
Comfort offers an excellent choice of facilities both in the rooms and in the hotel in general....
Bar Restorant Piceri Vila Green
Bar Restorant Piceri Vila Green.
Restorant Dolce Vita
Bar Restorant Piceri Dolce Vita, aty ku mund te shijoni ushqime tradicionale ne natyren Shqipta...
Kompleksi Taiwan
Kompleksi Taiwan ėshtė njė nga komplekset argetuese mė nė zė tė Tiranės. Me njė sipėrfaqe shėrb...
Hotel Vivas
Nearby the city of Durres, just a kilometer away from the motorway leading to Tirana, you can f...
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