Perspekti - Hotel Vivas Hotele & Restorante Durres
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Hotel Vivas

Industritë që Hotel Vivas përfshin

Hotele & Restorante

Detajet e kontaktit


Rruga Pavaresia, Plazh, Durres
789 shikime


Nearby the city of Durres, just a kilometer away from the motorway leading to Tirana, you can find our holiday resort, ideally situated to enjoy the beaches of the Adriatic Sea. A five-floor high building, Hotel Vivas prides itself on the exquisite cuisine specialized in fish and wide variety of other sea food, as well as its carefully chosen drinks that you will be served in our bar. Among the choices offered, our guests are provided with a swimming pool for children and adults alike, parking space, gym and a playground for children.

The area in which our resort is situated has the perfect climate to spend the summer holidays by the sea. The average temperatures in June-August are around 30 Celsius Degrees during the day and not lower than 20 Celsius Degrees during the night. This area is known for its Mediterranean climate characterized by hot summer and mild winter. That is the reason why summer months have little humidity and cloudy weather. The low hills situated in the east of the area prevent continental wind reaching the seaside. On the contrary, the seaside is constantly visited by the sea breeze which makes summer as hot as it should be.

In order to fulfill every need of the guests who choose to spend their holidays in our hotel, we offer convenient packages for them. They include family room accommodation, double rooms, twin or single rooms.

Whatever the choice is, everyone will feel comfortable in one of 73 rooms which have a large space and a warm decoration. Most of the rooms have a balcony and all of them are furnished with: air-conditioning, cable TV, fridge, telephone, minibar, wardrobe, free wireless, etc.

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