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Monarc Hotel
Industritë që Monarc Hotel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Bulevardi Zhan D'Ark, Tirane
780 shikime
The Monarc is a classic-looking yellow building on a busy crossing in the city centre overlooking the Lana river. With only 12 rooms, ample attention has been lavished on details, and the interiors are characterised by a sleek dark design. The deluxe rooms come with particularly classy Jacuzzis. Head to the top floor for the bar complete with waterfall and great panoramic views of the city.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Hotel Mustang
Ambjentet dhe stafi jonė 24 orė ju ofrojnė tė gjitha kushtet dhe shėrbimet e nevojshme pėr t'ju...
Hotel Kruja
Hotel Kruja was established in 1920 by Ismail Kruja.
Later in 1991 it was restored and restar...
New York Grand Hotel
New York Grand Hotel ne Golem!
Agjensioni Tri-A eshte agjension i licensuar nga Departamenti...
Hotel Dardani
Hoteli yne ofron sherbime te hotelerise me dhoma per pushim dhe dhoma per fjetje 24 ore.
Jurgen Hotel
An affordable and frills-free option close to the terminal building, Jurgen provides everything...
Xenia Balkan
Xenia, from the Greek summarises the concept of hospitality offers hotel accommodation services...
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