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Jurgen Hotel
Industritë që Jurgen Hotel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Detajet e kontaktit
Rinas, Tirane
814 shikime
An affordable and frills-free option close to the terminal building, Jurgen provides everything necessary for an overnight stay without breaking the bank. All of the rooms are en suite and come with free wireless internet, with communal facilities include a bar and restaurant and little else. Recommended for visitors on a budget with a very early flight to catch.
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Hotel EDEN
In Velipoja Beach Albania
- Holiday home
- Private apartments
- Separate entrance
- Is s...
Bujtina Shqiptare
Sometimes referring to itself as a hostel and at other times a hotel, this basic albeit perfect...
Royal Blue
Royal Blue Dhermi
Propaganda Hostel
In a quiet corner of the Blloku and crammed full of dictatorship-era memorabilia including pick...
Restorant Arben Rexha
Restorant Arben Rexha.
Elysium Hotel Dhermi
Elysium Hotel - Your place in paradise!
Touched by the Ionian Sea, the recently built Elysium ...
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