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Santa Quaranta Premium Resort
Industritë që Santa Quaranta Premium Resort përfshin
Hotele & Restorante, Lokale & Klube
Rruga Butrinti, Sarande
1734 shikime
Located just near by the beach and with the special design of the building where all rooms have sea view.
Santa Quaranta Premium Resort a family owned and operated hotel on the Saranda, is a luxury resort destination, with its own unique personality. Our resort features sun- soaked beaches, elegant accommodations, gourmet dining, traditional and international premium drinks, and many other amenities.
Santa Quaranta Premium Resort has a huge amount of repeat guests even its a new hotel and it will be only the 2nd summer season in 2016. Its owned managed and operated by managers and staff which cares about guest satisfaction a lot and they keep on working and improving theirselves to achieve this goal.
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