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Golden City Hotel
Industritë që Golden City Hotel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Myslym Shyri, Tirane
608 shikime
Golden City Hotel is located in the heart of Tirana, just 300 meters from the main Skanderbeg Square and all major sites.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Xheko Imperial
Xheko Imperial is a hotel of the highest quality, featuring a refined alliance between luxury a...
Hotel & Restaurant Peja
Hotel & Restaurant Peja.
Juvenilja Castelo
Juvenilja Bar-Restorant-Piceri u hap ne vitin 1996 tek Parku Rinia.
Shume shpejt ajo tregoi s...
Del Mare Beach Bar
Serves breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee and drinks.
Is located in the heart of the National Park between slopes of the Llogara mountains,the sweet ...
Ceni's Restaurant
Selling itself as a Mediterranean restaurant, Ceni's serves wonderfully fresh and original Ital...
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