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Hilton Budapest City
Industritë që Hilton Budapest City përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Detajet e kontaktit
Vaci ut 1-3, Budapest, Hungary
766 shikime
Enjoy the conveniences of a contemporary 21st century international hotel. Hilton Budapest City is located in the heart of Budapest on the Pest side of the river Danube. This award-winning hotel offers a peaceful retreat from Pest's busy cosmopolitan centre. The Andrassy Avenue and the major attractions like the Parliament, Heroes' Square, St. Stephen's Basilica are just a short walk away. The hotel forms an integral part of a tempting shopping and entertainment mall with more than 350 shops, 14 cinemas and entertainment venues.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Hotel Murataj
Hotel Murataj.
Hotel London Tirana Center
Vetėm 20 metra nga Kalaja e Tiranės, London Hotel ėshtė vendosur nė zemer tė Tiranės.
London H...
Elisabeta Hotel
Elisabeta Hotel
Hotel Austria
Hotel Austria has a strategic position very good, 5 minutes from the center of the city, and ve...
Bar Restorant Endrra
Tashme Restorant Endra eshte shtepia juaj e madhe e gatimit, ku cdo gje flet per nje mikpritje ...
Inpuglia nasce dall'idea di portare a Tirana le tradizioni di una regione che incanta i turisti...
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