Perspekti - Hotel Austria Hotele & Restorante Tirane
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Hotel Austria

Industritë që Hotel Austria përfshin

Hotele & Restorante

Detajet e kontaktit


Rruga e Dibres, Prane 9 Katesheve, Tirane
688 shikime


Hotel Austria has a strategic position very good, 5 minutes from the center of the city, and very easy to find. Its features is the customer and the hospitality of its lodging and meeting all customer requirements. This hotel is well designed and furnished by reconciling the classical also with that of the contemporary. In this hotel the customer will find what he wants while enjoying the tranquility to forgive environment quite nice along with food delicious traditional cuisine, the Mediterranean and Europe, where the client only need to choose where he will enjoy his accommodation , in the fresh veranda or in the classic-warm restaurant. Our hotel consists of 24 rooms, which are divided into single, double, triple and suites. Also we possess conference rooms for any kind of occasion or event. Hotel Austria consists of a qualified staff, polite and above all customer will feel comfortable as we speak your language! Also we note that the internet service (WiFi) is available 24 to 24, free parking too. The client will be able to enjoy the breakfast and varied (buffet), which is included in the price of room.You will be able to pay in CASH, also with credit card. Austria Hotel stays open 24 hours. Here you can find warmth combined with splendid! You are always welcome!

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