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Hotel Continental
Industritë që Hotel Continental përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Qender, Vlore
875 shikime
Continental Hotel it is located in the center of Vora, a 10 min drive from Tirana. A Luxury Hotel, with 44 modern, stylish guest rooms from which:
38 matrimonial and single rooms 2 suites 4 apartments.
All designed with the Italian style and furnished with: Telephone, TV, Hairdryers, Internet, Private Modern Bathroom, Individually Controlled Heating, Air-conditioning, Modern Elevator, Laundry, TV Hall, and Complete back-up system for electricity.
Conference rooms with all the necessary audio-visual equipments of the last technology for 15-150 persons.
The restaurant offers you, the traditional and Italian cuisine with a great variety, quality cooking and good prices.
Indoor and outdoor swimming pool, fitness center, sauna, sport center, tennis court, electronic games, etc.
Dreams to have a magical wedding ceremony becomes a reality only in Continental Resort.
Comfort and quality with very attractive prices!
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Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Areela Hotel
Slightly north of the action on an unpaved street and badly sign-posted to boot, locating the A...
Kompleksi Kriva
Location. Kriva is located near the river of Shkumbin in Elbasan.
Hotel Features. Kriva's res...
Grand Hotel
The centrally placed Grand is still one of the city's best, and its small size adds to its char...
Golden Kompleks
Golden Kompleks.
Hotel Restaurant Gjakova 3
Hotel Restaurant Gjakova 3-Shengjin
Vila Toscana
The perfect place for perfect events!
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