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Diplomat Hotel
Industritë që Diplomat Hotel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Detajet e kontaktit
Sulejman Delvina, Tirane
765 shikime
Not to be confused with its sister hotel Diplomat Fashion just around the corner, this may not be the cheapest option in town but it's certainly worth thinking about. Bursting with friendly staff, the smart, Scandinavian-style rooms come in a choice of singles, twins and doubles, all featuring en suite facilities, reliable wireless internet connections and a few free newspapers in English. Good for business and independent travellers alike, there's also a restaurant, bar and conference room.
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St.Nicolas Restaurant
Snt. Nicola Touristic Village is located in the north part of Dhermi beach, by the sea and near...
Located in very centre of Tirana, Hotel Eagle is 1 km from Skenderberg Square and just 50 metre...
Bar Restorant Tomi
Ushqimi tradicional bio, me i miri ne Surrel. Natyra fantastike dhe sherbimi shume i kenaqshem.
Serenity Hotel
This hotel on a fairly quiet street five minutes from the action provides a range of sleeping o...
Restorant Apollonia
The Rogner hotel's in-house restaurant is named after the ancient Greco-Roman city 100km or so ...
Meridian Tirana Hotel
Book your room at our bright, modern Meridian Tirana Hotel, 0.7 km from bulevard "Zogu i Parė" ...
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