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Livia Hotel
Industritë që Livia Hotel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Qemal Stafa, Tirane
773 shikime
A bit overpriced for the location, what you lose in money you more than make up for in other ways. The rooms are perfectly adequate despite having seen better days, and the place is clean and comes with all the usual trimmings such as free wireless internet throughout the building. We love the place specifically because of its exact location, hidden away in a gorgeous courtyard full of flowering bushes and with the occasional appearance of a friendly old cat. The in-house restaurant is popular with the locals, meaning it must be doing something right.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Royal Blue
Royal Blue Dhermi
Ambel Beach
Alpinizmi, montanjizmi, ecja nė kėmbė dhe kacavjerrja janė shumė tė pėrhapura nė zonėn e Drimad...
Deluxe Hotel Tirana
I arreduar per t'ju sjell shijen e luksit dhe relaksit. Me nje arredim te menduar deri ne detaj...
Pets & Partners shpk
Pet Hotel Tirana is A member of Pets & Partners Albania, International Pet Hospital in Tirana. ...
Bar Restorant Piceri Vila Green
Bar Restorant Piceri Vila Green.
Restorant Arben Rexha
Restorant Arben Rexha.
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