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Hotel Kruja
Industritë që Hotel Kruja përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Mine Peza, Tirane
890 shikime
Hotel Kruja was established in 1920 by Ismail Kruja.
Later in 1991 it was restored and restarted once again operating as a hotel and it was rebuilt on 1996 in the existing place.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Hotel Akropoli
Hotel "Akropoli" nisi punen rreth vitit 1992. Me kembenguljen dhe vullnetin e stafit tone, ne j...
Briker Hotel
A modern hotel not far from the city centre, featuring wooden floors, colourful furniture and l...
Idea Hotel & Spa
Excellent value accommodation with thrills galore, the only negative thing we really have to sa...
Verzaci Hotel
It's good that Gianni is no longer among us, as he'd faint at the sight of this garish pink bui...
White House
Hotel White House.
Hotel Privilege
Welcome to
Our company Trigen Investment has been operating for 15 years ...
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