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Opium Sushi Bar
Industritë që Opium Sushi Bar përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Murat Toptani, Pranė Kinema Millenium, Tiranė
663 shikime
Opium Sushi Bar is a labor of love between people who passionately believe that this remarkable food, in this unique environment, must be experienced and shared. They are bonded by their love of classical sushi and are devoted to maintaining the purity of their vision at all costs. Japanese tradition is a hallmark of top sushi restaurants, but where Opium Sushi differs is in its creativity. With a modern, friendly atmosphere and high-quality ingredients and combinations, Opium Sushi Bar is taking the steps it needs to ensure an unique and true Japanese dining experience in city of Tirana.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Del Mare Beach Bar
Serves breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee and drinks.
Hotel Coral
Hotel Coral.
Best Hotel in Vlora.
Hotel Restorant Baron
Hotel and Restaurant Baron is a family business which constantly tries to meet the desires and ...
6 Milje Hotel
6 MILJE hotel ka njė numėr prej 28 dhomash, prej tė cilave 6 janė suita dhe 22 tė tjerat janė d...
Pepper Pizza & Cocktail
Con Pepper sbarca a Tirana il piatto piu tipico dell'eccellenza gastronomica italiana: la pizza...
Oriental City Chinese Restaurant
Best Authentic Chinese Food in Albania!
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