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Xenia Balkan
Industritë që Xenia Balkan përfshin
Hotele & Restorante, Turizėm
1098 shikime
Xenia, from the Greek summarises the concept of hospitality offers hotel accommodation services, hospitality process services, know-how and expertise in the travel industry.
In more than 25 years of activity, Xenia has acquired specialisation in the Hotellerie segment, becoming a recognised worldwide player also due to the technological solutions offered thanks to its innovative approach and to the services designed to satisfy all kinds of requirements.
The proprietary management system and the ongoing research and development ensure high adaptability, ability to interface with third party systems and ability to respond quickly to different needs. The operating models are extremely flexible and aligned with the most advanced solutions of the IT sector.
Xenia has an internal Research & Development department that develops quantitative and qualitative benchmark models and specific tools for Hotellerie services and the travel industry services in general.
If the technology and organizational efficiency are key factors, the human factor remains decisive: competence, training and the involvement of everyone involved in the company are the instruments through which the results that partners expect are always achieved.
Xenia - with its specialised divisions, Hotellerie Solutions, Crew Accommodation and Xenia for Corporate - offers advice, products and services to companies of all sizes: hotels, airlines, rail companies, sea transport companies, public and private businesses and travel management companies all over the world.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Hotel Bar Restorant FROJD
In the shore of the sea, where the song of the waves and the sea breeze sweeten your days.
Diamond Hill
Kompleksi Diamond Hill eshte i vetmi Resort Turistik ne qytetin e Vlores me te tilla parametras...
Hotel & Restaurant Peja
Hotel & Restaurant Peja.
Restorant Living
Restorant "Living", vendi ku gėrshetohen nė mėnyrė elegante ambienti komod dhe cilėsia e gatime...
Hotel Brian
Hotel Brian
Deluxe Hotel Tirana
I arreduar per t'ju sjell shijen e luksit dhe relaksit. Me nje arredim te menduar deri ne detaj...
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