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Comfort Hotel
Industritë që Comfort Hotel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Asim Vokshi, Tirane
817 shikime
Comfort offers an excellent choice of facilities both in the rooms and in the hotel in general. For the price, the rooms, which are clean and modern, are hard to beat whilst the extra offerings including a decent restaurant and a well stocked bar ideal for late night indulgences. Try to get a room facing away from the chaos of the streets outside.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Sokrat Hotel
On the hectic street that leads out of the city towards the new road to Elbasan, Sokrat is a pl...
Eder Hotel
A small hotel with just five rooms of varying styles, all of them well enough equipped for trav...
Hilton is a leading global hospitality company, with a portfolio of 14 world-class brands compr...
City Art
Do not follow your dreams, follow City Art
Kompleksi veror SunRise
Ne kompleksin veror "Sunrise" gjeni.
1.Restorant(Te gjitha prodhimet e zgares)
Paradise Plaza Resort
Resorti Paradise ofron keto sherbime:
Salle Sheraton 500 vende per dasma, evente
Restorant 20...
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