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Eder Hotel
Industritë që Eder Hotel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Detajet e kontaktit
Rruga e Kavajes, Tirane
938 shikime
A small hotel with just five rooms of varying styles, all of them well enough equipped for travellers on a budget. Opposite the Sacred Heart Church, a short walk from the main square and just around the corner from a clutch of embassies, it's well placed if you need to pray, play or get away.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Klajdi Resort
Aty ku freskia e detit dhe specialitetet e guzhines serviren ne pjaten tuaj.
Plaza Hotel Lucchesi
Located in the heart of Florence, since 1860, the historical Hotel Plaza Lucchesi symbolizes th...
Pik Loti Hotel
Not far from the city centre, this family-run hotel offers small, clean and comfortable rooms. ...
Briker Hotel
A modern hotel not far from the city centre, featuring wooden floors, colourful furniture and l...
Hotel Mema
Hotel ne zonen kurative te llixhave Elbasan.
Hotel Mema.
Zig Zag Hotel
A ramshackle chic hostel close to the city centre that's currently garnering rave reviews from ...
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