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Plaza Hotel Lucchesi
Industritë që Plaza Hotel Lucchesi përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Lungarno della Zecca Vecchia, Florence, Italy
710 shikime
Located in the heart of Florence, since 1860, the historical Hotel Plaza Lucchesi symbolizes the elegance and the warm welcome of this flourishing city of art.
Overlooking the Arno River, it offers on the southern side the hills of the beautiful landscape of San Miniato a Monte and Piazzale Michelangelo, on the northern side the impressive view over the rooftops of the city, with Santa Croce and the Duomo.
A short walk from Ponte Vecchio and the Uffizi, it's the ideal starting point for visiting the city of the Renaissance and all its treasures.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Barracuda Hotel
Dhoma Teke:
Dhomat me dy krevate teke kane ne fokus akomodimin sa mė komod pėr dy persona. Nė...
Vila Kėrēiku
In the middle of a small arcade of historical buildings directly overlooking the Central Market...
Albania Bay Marina
The project of Albania Bay Marina provides the construction of the first modern marina and real...
Hotel Dyrrah
Dyrrah hotel has 22 rooms, from the following: 2 rooms with double bed, 8 rooms with double bed...
Grand Hotel
The centrally placed Grand is still one of the city's best, and its small size adds to its char...
Pizza te verteta italiane ne furre druri. Pasta te bera nga ne.
Pizza, Sandwiche, Hamburger,...
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