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Sokrat Hotel
Industritë që Sokrat Hotel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Rruga e Elbasanit, Tirane
680 shikime
On the hectic street that leads out of the city towards the new road to Elbasan, Sokrat is a pleasant boutique hotel in a small white villa. The rooms are light and spacious, all featuring impressive bathrooms and minibars and some coming with balconies. The private garden at the front is a good place to sit and ponder the general madness taking place over the wall in the aforementioned thoroughfare.
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Comfort Hotel
Comfort offers an excellent choice of facilities both in the rooms and in the hotel in general....
Can you find authentic Italian cuisine in Tirana? The answer is yes and we provide you with the...
Julton Events
JULTON Hotel Bar Restorant Organizes Events
Hotel Iliria Internacional
The hotel offers 24 rooms, all with balconies, 6 family-rooms, 9 double and 9 matrimonial ones ...
Restorant MOMA
Restorant "MOMA" !!!
Per te bere sa me te bukura dhe te paharrueshme gezimet tuaja familjare s...
Hotel Airport Tirana
The best-named of several options by the airport, this hotel is near the terminal yet quite a s...
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