Perspekti - Altea Beach Lodges Hotele & Restorante Vlorė
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Altea Beach Lodges

Industritë që Altea Beach Lodges përfshin

Hotele & Restorante

Detajet e kontaktit


Dhėrmi, Vlorė
954 shikime


ALTEA LODGES -An enticing blend of refreshing comfort and classic charm awaits you!
After the amazing experience of ECO-CAMPING, Moving Culture team now is applying their unique style, fashion, vision and concept of ECO Pleasure at the ALTEA BEACH LODGES- a paradise where memories will be plentiful as the beach stones.
ALTEA is built in one of the most beautiful spots in the picturesque village of Drymades, between the sea and the mountain. It consists of a set of 20 spacious and comfortable bungalows and a campsite on site.

Convenient Services and Features at ALTEA
1 One double bed and one two floor bed
2 Modern washrooms and high pressure hot water shower,
3 Balcony with wooden table and stools all with view from the sea,
4 Mini fridge and HD-TV equipped with Tring Digital (although we think you will not need a TV in front of the show god has prepared for you).
5 Free wireless internet access
6 Garden with daisies laying on,
7 Green grass, olive tree roots, bougainvillea and other flowers flourishing,
8 Delectable cuisine at our restaurant
9 A tantalizing NI-NI beach bar, a few meters from the sea, will serve you exclusive drinks and cocktails at your individual lodges during night and day,
10 Rejuvenation with stimulating Yoga and Meditation sessions,
11 Space dedicated to children's activities,
12 A projection tend, offering movie screening and entertainment for kids
13 Grille offering casual dining, with open fire. A nightly collective activity where kids and grown-ups get involved on collecting the woods and lighting the fire themselves.
Round it there will be chilled relaxing nights watching the falling stars and hearing the sound of the sea and some other nights with live acoustic music by booked artists or collaboration from guests singing and playing along.

5 stars sea
24 carats sun
White sand and stones
Enormous mountains hugging all of the above
Breathtaking view from your window every morning.
Experience the height of tranquility and guest service at our sun-splashed ALTEA.
Whether yours is a romantic getaway for two or an adventure-filled escape for the whole family, our resort playground is the perfect setting for making each moment unforgettable.

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