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Camping Tirana
Industritë që Camping Tirana përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Liqeni i Kusit, Kashar, Tirane
851 shikime
Located on the edge of Lake Kusit about 15km west of Tirana, this fabulous venture is run by the local Hyka family who learned their trade working in the camping and outdoor leisure business in Italy. Facilities include places for tents and camper vans with all the trimmings including electricity, toilets, hot showers and even wireless internet. The friendly people who run the site can also arrange additional activities such as guided tours, bicycle rental, and trips around the surrounding mountains in a 4x4 Jeep. Contact them directly for information about prices.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Darbar Restaurant
Darbar Restaurant.
Sar'Otel Hotel & SPA
Sar'Otel is a business hotel located in the heart of Tirana City hosted in a building since 193...
Hotel de Charme Tirana
Hotel de Charme Tirana
Kompleksi Kriva
Location. Kriva is located near the river of Shkumbin in Elbasan.
Hotel Features. Kriva's res...
Bel Conti Hotel
Hotel- Bar-Restorant Bel Kondi
"Nderthurja e arkitekturės klasike me atė moderne, e shtrirė nė...
Restorant Apollonia
The Rogner hotel's in-house restaurant is named after the ancient Greco-Roman city 100km or so ...
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