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MonarC Group
Industritë që MonarC Group përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
George. W. Bush, Bulevardi Zhan D'Ark, Tirane
841 shikime
The clear choice in Tirana! Situated at the intersection of "G. W. Bush" road and "Zhan d'Ark" Blvd., MonarC Hotel is synonomus with sophistication, elegance and luxury. Designed to feel more like a modern private residence rather than a hotel, the setting of our hotel provides service and attention to detail. Close the center of Tirana makes it very convienent for the business traveler. Modern and urbane, it breakway technology coupeld with warm personalized service makes it one of the best contemporary hotels for our guests.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Lot Boutique Hotel
A hotel that brings a new hospitality approach to travelers has emerged in Tirana. Lot Boutique...
Elite Restorant
Elite Restorant
Blu Mare Restorant
Restorant Blu Mare eshte nje nga restorantet me te mira te gatimit italian n Durres.
Hotel Rozafa
Hotel Rozafa gjendet ne qendėr te qytetit.
Guva e Qetė
Small, basic rooms along a central, pedestrianised street. There are en suite bathrooms and tel...
Restorant Pjerino
Serves lunch, dinner and coffee
Takes bookings
Good for groups or parties
Good ...
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