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Lot Boutique Hotel
Industritë që Lot Boutique Hotel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante, Turizėm
Myrtezim Kėlliēi, Tirane
926 shikime
A hotel that brings a new hospitality approach to travelers has emerged in Tirana. Lot Boutique Hotel combines the baroque-style architecture with cutting edge technology and service.
Our goal is to make business though happy guests!
Long-term investment for detailed guest comfort ensures our guests the best of hospitality while professionally trained and service-oriented staff will make you come back.
The hotel's vision is to adapt to any guest needs by providing comfort, professionalism and friendliness to each of them. We like to see our guests many times, trying to impress them every time by continuously exceeding their expectations.
Visit Tirana, visit Lot Boutique Hotel!
You will be impressed!
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