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Kompleksi Argenti
Industritë që Kompleksi Argenti përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Bulevardi Mehmet Pashe Plaku, Shkoder
1033 shikime
Hotel Argenti is the first private hotel build in Shkodra area since 1995 where you can find commode ambient and a quality service. At this hotel you will find relax and the tranquility you are looking for your holidays. The hotel has garden bar, bar restaurant fitness, sauna, exchange, conference room, event rooms, free parking, free wireless, etc.
It's the biggest tourist complex with a hotes chain,distributed on Shkoder, Velipoje & Bushat. Within all its capacity it welcomes with a great pleasure a great number of clients who can taste the various services it offers.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Bologna Hotel
Hotel "Bologna" is nearby the blue Ionian sea.
This is a 4 star hotel and it offers you the re...
Aragosta Hotel Restorant
Aragosta is 4 star hotel located in the beautiful city of Durres. A luxury hotel with 18 rooms ...
Olive Garden Camping and Fast Food
Nje vend fantastik per nje eksperience ndryshe. Gjendet mes ullinjeve vetem 20m larg detit.
Best Western Premier Ark Hotel
BEST WESTERN PREMIER Ark Hotel is the idyllic choice for those who travel for business or leisu...
Mondial Hotel
The slightly imposing Mondial goes for the Neoclassical look and for once manages to pull the w...
Kompleksi Erandi
Hotel, Bar-Restorant-Pizza, Karburant Kastrati.
Kompleksi ndodhet ne rr...
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Fjalėkalimi nuk ėshtė i saktė. Shkruani fjalėkalimin siē shihet nė fotografi dhe provojeni pėrsėri.
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