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Best Western Premier Ark Hotel
Industritë që Best Western Premier Ark Hotel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Rinas, Tirane
1021 shikime
BEST WESTERN PREMIER Ark Hotel is the idyllic choice for those who travel for business or leisure purposes since its unique style, personalized services and strategic location in Tirana, always leave a long lasting positive impression to all our guests. Our brand new luxury and modern hotel in Tirana is among the top and largest in Albania and it is in position to deliver services at highest standards. The hotel is developed by "Shijaku L.T.D" and has recently become the first "PREMIER" Hotel in Albania by the World's Largest Hotel Chain, Best Western International. In BEST WESTERN PREMIER Ark Hotel in Tirana, we continually strive to ensure that we not only meet our guest's expectations, but we exceed them.
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