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Bologna Hotel
Industritë që Bologna Hotel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
710 shikime
Hotel "Bologna" is nearby the blue Ionian sea.
This is a 4 star hotel and it offers you the relax and tranquility that you are looking for.
At hotel "Bologna" you will find bar, restaurant and pizzeria, 24 hours secured parking, private beach.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Trip'n Hostel
Housed inside a colourful old villa surrounded by drab apartment buildings and run by welcoming...
E Per7shme
Librari- Bar- Restorant E Per7shme
Hotel VOCI
Hoteli ofron njė sherbim tė shkėlqyer dhe dhoma mjaft tė rehatshme e tė mobiluara me shije e el...
Bar Restorant Karaj
Bar Restorant Karaj
Hotel Continental
Continental Hotel it is located in the center of Vora, a 10 min drive from Tirana. A Luxury Hot...
Vivar Hotel
Come alone or bring your family with you stay here while on business trip or at a conference ei...
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