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Industritë që Novhotel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Gjin Bue Shpata, Tirane
573 shikime
Albania's first Best Western chain hotel overlooks the Dinamo stadium and boasts perfectly adequate rooms with balconies and generic art on the walls. The suites are grander affairs, with nice corners furnished with armchairs, sofas and fireplaces.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Juvenilja Castelo
Juvenilja Bar-Restorant-Piceri u hap ne vitin 1996 tek Parku Rinia.
Shume shpejt ajo tregoi s...
Hotel Globi
Hotel-Bar-Restorant ****GLOBI*** eshte ne funksion per periudhen e plazhit nga Qershori deri ne...
Vila Alehandro
Alehandro Distribuzione, nė vazhdė tė ruajtjes e zhvilimit tė traditės si dhe nė funksion tė nj...
Advance Global Service sh.p.k.
AGS sh.p.k. me njė eksperiencė shumėvjeēare, tashmė njė emėr me njė mesazh tė qartė nė tregun s...
City Hotel
A nice mid-range option close to the blloku and in the middle of an area of good bars and resta...
Can you find authentic Italian cuisine in Tirana? The answer is yes and we provide you with the...
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