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Albanian Trip
Industritë që Albanian Trip përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Rruga e Dibres, Tirane
1142 shikime
Modern self-catering studios and apartments sleeping between three and nine people in several locations across the city centre. Each place can be rented per room or as a whole with the choice of private or shared bathrooms. Their superb main address residence is located inside a charming old villa complete with tortoises in the garden and a small museum of communist-era bits and bobs on the ground floor. All kitchens come with a washing machine and refrigerator. Also check out their incredible range of guided tour options.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Eder Hotel
A small hotel with just five rooms of varying styles, all of them well enough equipped for trav...
Bar Restorant Tomi
Ushqimi tradicional bio, me i miri ne Surrel. Natyra fantastike dhe sherbimi shume i kenaqshem.
Grand Hotel
The centrally placed Grand is still one of the city's best, and its small size adds to its char...
La Boheme Hotel
One of the finest hotels currently operating in Tirana, this place features a range of sleeping...
Dhoma Plazhi Familiare
Ne posedojme dhoma te cilesise se larte.
100 metra nga plazhi.
Dhomat posedojne kushte optim...
Del Mare Beach Bar
Serves breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee and drinks.
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