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Iliria Hotel
Industritë që Iliria Hotel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Rruga e Elbasanit, Tirane
722 shikime
Iliria's smart and soundproofed rooms come in a range of options from triples to deluxe doubles and are all fitted out with satellite televisions and free wireless internet. There's a restaurant and pleasant cafe terrace too, all of it located inside a bright modern building just outside the centre not too far from the US Embassy.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Hotel Dyrrah
Dyrrah hotel has 22 rooms, from the following: 2 rooms with double bed, 8 rooms with double bed...
Inheritor Resort
Inheritor Resort.
New W Hotel
The New W Hotel offers something unique to each of its guests. The hotel is just a 15 minute wa...
Vivar Hotel
Come alone or bring your family with you stay here while on business trip or at a conference ei...
Kompleksi San Pol
INFRASTRUKTURA: Pishine,Restorant,Piceri,Bar.
DY salla eventesh;luksoze & moderne,me kapacitet...
Augustus HOTEL
Augustus HOTEL Dhermi.
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