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Iliria Hotel
Industritë që Iliria Hotel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Rruga e Elbasanit, Tirane
726 shikime
Iliria's smart and soundproofed rooms come in a range of options from triples to deluxe doubles and are all fitted out with satellite televisions and free wireless internet. There's a restaurant and pleasant cafe terrace too, all of it located inside a bright modern building just outside the centre not too far from the US Embassy.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Orka Restorant
Fresh Sea Food.
Mondial Hotel
The slightly imposing Mondial goes for the Neoclassical look and for once manages to pull the w...
Big Bite Food Service
Kompania B & B Food Service e njohur me emrin ėshtė themeluar me 16 Dhjetor 1998.
Cilėsia e u...
Restorant Casa di Pasta
No prizes for guessing what goes on at Casa di Pasta, a popular and achingly large restaurant w...
St.Nicolas Restaurant
Snt. Nicola Touristic Village is located in the north part of Dhermi beach, by the sea and near...
Hotel de Charme Tirana
Hotel de Charme Tirana
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