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Restorant Casa di Pasta
Industritë që Restorant Casa di Pasta përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Ibrahim Rugova, Tirane
731 shikime
No prizes for guessing what goes on at Casa di Pasta, a popular and achingly large restaurant where tourists like to dine en masse for some reason. Located inside the increasingly defunct Taiwan complex, the food is absolutely fine, although the service can be numbingly slow. For some reason, they do exceptionally good lamb chops, and their pizza and fish dishes are also fine.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Bristol Hotel
Offering the most exclusive accommodation in Tirana is how the lovely people who run the Bristo...
Hotel Brian
Hotel Brian
Can you find authentic Italian cuisine in Tirana? The answer is yes and we provide you with the...
Empire Beach Resort
Empire Beach Resort ėshtė njė resort buzė detit dhe ju ofron pushuesve qetėsinė e duhur.
Briker Hotel
A modern hotel not far from the city centre, featuring wooden floors, colourful furniture and l...
Njė kompleks i veēantė qė pėrfshin njė hotel, njė restorant, njė bar, njė butik dhe SPA. Tė duk...
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