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Eagle Hotel
Industritë që Eagle Hotel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Sami Frasheri, Tirane
988 shikime
One of Tirana's more unusual hotels with little in the way of facilities beyond an odd mixture of adequate albeit hardly inspiring rooms, the best reason for choosing to spend the night here is the location. Note that the hotel is located upstairs, and as far as we could tell there's no lift.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
SEMA&CO.AL sh.p.k.
Shoqeria eshte nje shoqeri e cila ende nuk ka filluar aktivitet ekonomik. Se shpejti do te ofro...
Sokrat Hotel
On the hectic street that leads out of the city towards the new road to Elbasan, Sokrat is a pl...
Hotel de Charme Tirana
Hotel de Charme Tirana
6 Milje Hotel
6 MILJE hotel ka njė numėr prej 28 dhomash, prej tė cilave 6 janė suita dhe 22 tė tjerat janė d...
Hotel Dyrrah
Dyrrah hotel has 22 rooms, from the following: 2 rooms with double bed, 8 rooms with double bed...
Iliria Hotel
Iliria's smart and soundproofed rooms come in a range of options from triples to deluxe doubles...
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