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Bulevardi Zhan D'Ark, Tirane
1049 shikime


NOW YOU CAN BEAT THE BOOKIES WITH BETADVISOR is a company that provides professional sports betting advice. Our advisors specialise in on of the following sports: football, horse racing, basketball, baseball, tennis, ice hockey, handball, rugby or American football. Established in 2010, our company has a history of success and has truly gone from strength to strength.

Bet Advisor is a brand of Top Advisor, a global leader in understanding and leveraging the power of sports content for its clients around the world. We provide solutions and services to tipsters, punters, media companies and bookmakers.

We have a proven record of providing exceptional services to its clients. Our company is growing quickly and we are happy to call ourselves a market leader in such an exciting and fast-paced industry.

Our achievements are built around the talents of our employees. We like to think that despite the diverse background of the people who work at Bet Advisor , there is one thing we have in common: passion for our work.

We are a truly international organisation, employing over 30 full time staff in 5 locations around the world, with a large number of advisors based in every corner of the globe. Our rapid growth is driven by technological innovation and a deep understanding of our clients business needs.

Behind the scenes we have a team of people that make things come to life; a team who work tirelessly to build and develop every aspect of the BetAdvisor vision. We are people who have an unrivalled passion for sport, and follow its principles in our daily lives. We are people who represent ourselves as worthy professionals in the fields of information technology, sports, marketing, software development and beyond.

Our main purpose is to provide the best possible professional service, with the utmost dedication, at all times. The rigorousness of the selection process of our tipsters is one of our main principles. We only work with the best. This is a fundamental condition in order to keep our promises to our users.

It is our commitment to excellent service, quality and reliability that makes us the trusted partner of more than 65,000 customers in over 80 countries. We occupy a unique position at the intersection of the sports, media and betting industries.

We are the leading provider of tipster services to the betting industry. With our extensive portfolio of Tipsters, we offer round-the-clock coverage of 9 sports.

Our focus on technology and innovation has made us a premium partner for punters, offering sports content solutions for online and mobile customers.

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